Uria aalge aalge (e Canada to Iceland, Scotland, s Norway and the Baltic Sea) Uria aalge hyperborea (n Norway to Svalbard and nw Russia) Uria aalge albionis (British Isles to w Iberian Pen.) Uria aalge inornata (e Korea, Japan through the Bering Sea to w Alaska and sw Canada) Uria aalge californica (n Washington to California. USA.)


Common Guillemot (Uria aalge) 296. Brunnich's Guillemot (Uria lomvia) 297. Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle) 298. Pigeon Guillemot (Cepphus columba) 299 .

Uria aalge aalge L' aráu común NOA (Uria aalge) ye una especie d' ave caradriforme de la familia Alcidae nativa d' Europa. O arao (do francés antigo hairon) [2] dos cons ou aro [3] (Uria aalge) é unha ave costeira da familia Alcidae. Xunto co garrucho, domina as colonias mariñas dos cantís na tempada do verán. O arao nada fronte a costa en grandes masas baixo os cantís. Fronte aos farallóns adoita verse voando baixo e rápido.

Uria aalge avibase

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Den yngler i tætte kolonier på stejle klippesider ud til havet eller understenblokke , men mest på stejle klippekyster, fuglefjelde. Uria species Uria aalge Name Homonyms Uria aalge aalge Common names Nordlig lomvie in Danish Zeekoet in Dutch nordlig sillgrissla in Swedish sillgrissla, rasen aalge in Swedish sillgrissla, underarten aalge in Swedish Bibliographic References Uria aalge (U.a.ibericus. U.a.albionis) The status of the Iberian guillemot as a distinct sub-species of the common guillemot Uria aalge is unclear. Uria aalge ibericus was first proposed as a subspecies by Solomomsen in the 1930s, but was retracted by him in his later works as not being a sufficiently distinct form Lomvi eller ringvi (Uria aalge) er en pelagisk dykkende sjøfugl og den største av alkene (Alcini), en monofyletisk gruppe som tilhører familien alkefugler (Alcidae). Arten finnes i tempererte og lavarktiske kyststrøk i nordområdene i Atlanterhavet og Stillehavet.

Avibase Les cartes de distribution sont à interpréter avec beaucoup de précautions. Elles donnent une idée de la répartition globale des espèces et non pas une géolocalisation précise.

History.Okhotskiy virus (OKHV) (prototypical strain, LEIV-70C) was originally isolated from ticks of the species Ixodes (Ceratixodes) uriae White, 1852 (taxon Acari, order Parasitiformes, family Ixodidae), collected in nests of murres (Uria aalge Pontoppidan, 1763) on Tyuleniy Island (48°29′N, 144°38′E), located off the east coast of Sakhalin Island in the Sea of Okhotsk, in 1971. 1–3

hyperborea. View list of all Uria aalge (U.a.ibericus. U.a.albionis) The status of the Iberian guillemot as a distinct sub-species of the common guillemot Uria aalge is unclear.

Uria aalge avibase

L'ùria comune (Uria aalge (Pontopiddan, 1763)) è un uccello della famiglia Alcidae. Uria aalge , in Avibase - il database degli uccelli nel mondo, Bird Studies 

Common Murre (California) ( Uria aalge californica) Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 05 (Jan 2017): Common Murre (California) ( Uria aalge californica ) Uria aalge [aalge or hyperborea]: North Atlantic from eastern North America to the Baltic Sea, Norway, and Svalbard to Novaya Zemlya (northern Russia) Uria aalge albionis: British Isles to w Iberian Peninsula; Helgoland. Uria aalge inornata: Korea, Japan and Kamchatka to Bering Sea and Br. Columbia. Common Murre (Southern Atlantic) ( Uria aalge albionis) Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 02 (May 2014): Common Murre (Southern Atlantic) ( Uria aalge albionis) Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 03 (March 2015): Common Murre (Southern Atlantic) ( Uria aalge albionis) Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 04 (Aug 2016): The common murre or common guillemot (Uria aalge) is a large auk.

Linn. S. N. 12. 220. 1.
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PP1 - Efficacy Uria aalge aalge (e Canada to Iceland, Scotland, s Norway and the Baltic Sea) Uria aalge hyperborea (n Norway to Svalbard and nw Russia) Uria aalge albionis (British Isles to w Iberian Pen.) Uria aalge inornata (e Korea, Japan through the Bering Sea to w Alaska and sw Canada) Uria aalge californica (n Washington to California. USA.) Uria aalge hyperborea (arktisk sillgrissla [3]) – häckar på Svalbard, i norra Norge och i norra Ryssland österut till Novaja Zemlja. Uria aalge inornata – häckar i östra Nordkorea, norra Hokkaido, oblastet Sachalin, Kamtjatka, Berings hav, Aleuterna, Alaska och i British Columbia. Underarten hyperborea inkluderas ofta i nominatformen aalge. [4] Uria aalge--> 101492: Harris, M.P., D.J. Halley and S. Wanless 1992 The post-fledging survival of young guilemots Uria aalge in relation to hatching date and growth.

the Common Guillemot Uria aalge.
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Uria aalge avibase


U_aalge_scaffold_01 Organism: Uria aalge inornata (common murre) Submitter: Environmental Genomics Office, Center for Enviromental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies Date: 2020/08/22 Assembly level: Scaffold Genome representation: full GenBank assembly accession: GCA_014363425.1 (latest) RefSeq assembly accession: n/a IDs: 7976401[UID] 21872148 [GenBank] Uria aalge aalge L' aráu común NOA (Uria aalge) ye una especie d' ave caradriforme de la familia Alcidae nativa d' Europa. Uria aalge albionis (brittisk sillgrissla) – häckar i Storbritannien, Irland, Bretagne, Portugal och nordvästra Spanien. Uria aalge californica – häckar på västkusten i Nordamerika från norra Washington till södra Kalifornien. An Uria aalge in uska species han Aves nga syahan ginhulagway ni Erik Pontoppidan hadton 1763.

Familjerättsadvokat skövde

L' aráu común NOA ye una especie d'ave caradriforme de la familia Alcidae nativa d'Europa.

by scientific name: by common name: view recording list. Avian Vocalizations Center. Dr. Pam Rasmussen Department of Integrative Biology MSU El somorgollaire comú (Uria aalge) és una de les espècies d'ocell marí de la família dels àlcids. El seu nom vulgar es fa extensiu a l'altra espècie del seu gènere i també a les del gènere Cepphus . An Uria aalge in uska species han Aves nga syahan ginhulagway ni Erik Pontoppidan hadton 1763. An Uria aalge in nahilalakip ha genus nga Uria, ngan familia nga Alcidae. Ginklasipika han IUCN an species komo diri gud kababarak-an.

Brunnich‟s guillemots (Uria lomvia). 10 common guillemot (Uria aalge) emperor Avibase – the World Bird Database. http://avibase.bsc-eoc.org/avibase.jsp.


Subspecies. Ini nga species ginbahin ha masunod Látrabjarg, IslandiaCanon XM1 Uria aalge inornata (common murre) genome assembly U_aalge_scaffold_01 from Environmental Genomics Office, Center for Enviromental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies [GCA_014363425.1 ] The thick-billed murre or Brünnich's guillemot (Uria lomvia) is a bird in the auk family (Alcidae). This bird is named after the Danish zoologist Morten Thrane Brünnich.The very deeply black North Pacific subspecies Uria lomvia arra is also called Pallas' murre after its describer.The genus name is from Ancient Greek ouria, a waterbird mentioned by Athenaeus. Population justification: The global population is estimated to number >18,000,000 individuals (del Hoyo et al. 1996).